“Skeleton Key” – Substack

A super receives an evening call from an elderly resident in need.

“Anything else I can help you with?” I asked Mrs. Hix another time through her door.”

“The annual spikes in rent. They smother us like clockwork.”

“I know. I’m sorry, but that’s out of my hands.”

“Then I’ll give you more. I need a lock of your hair.”


“I can summon you through other dimensions.”

“My wife won’t be too thrilled if you mess that up.”

“I have a grimoire to protect you. Besides, the dead give more than the living ever can.”

The door muffled her chuckle and her shuffling away.

William Auten – “Skeleton Key”

“Skeleton Key,” in time for Halloween, is now available on Substack.

Thanks so much, and I hope you enjoy it.