Pepper’s Ghost Second Edition, 2024 Coverfly’s ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story Competition, and Inroads on hoopla

And while you’re there, sign up as a subscriber. My fiction and updates reach your inbox once a month. I love sharing extraordinary stories (fiction short and long) about ordinary Americans. Good stories don’t, and shouldn’t have to, conform to the dominant aesthetics and politics.

“Daymark” – Substack

A woman faces her fear while photographing the Outer Banks. She steps inside the door cut into the lighthouse’s red base and slides over for visitors stepping off or onto the staircase spiraling up toward the keeper’s quarters and beacon. A ranger notes the one-million bricks used for building the lighthouse, summer temperatures inside canContinue reading ““Daymark” – Substack”

“Cornerstone” – Substack

Before continuing down the hall, Becker slows his cart past the dining room and signals Outside to Von sitting at the back. Von nods, smoothes his toupee—black, a swoop of shine in the middle, and stacked high like a microphone waiting for God—and, patting his chest, raises his hand; he grumbles but stops himself from faking chestContinue reading ““Cornerstone” – Substack”

“Clean Slate” – A story from Inroads and NetGalley

Inside the SUV, Gerald uncovers his phone from beneath a stained and wrinkled copy of the festival’s schedule highlighting the Tasting Grand Prize and its amount; in the margins—Mark’s calculations for new equipment, additions to the brewery, more marketing; on the reverse side—Gerald’s scribbles and ideas for labels and brands. But the screen flashing NEWContinue reading ““Clean Slate” – A story from Inroads and NetGalley”

Inroads release date and cover and October – Quarterfinalist for Coverfly’s ScreenCraft 2023 Cinematic Book Competition

Inroads I’m pleased to announce Inroads, my second short-story collection, will be published on 23 March. Below you’ll find the cover and synopsis. Extraordinary stories about ordinary Americans. A stock-car driver gets money any way he can for his son’s birthday present. A girl meets a horse for the first time. Two firefighters help each otherContinue reading “Inroads release date and cover and October – Quarterfinalist for Coverfly’s ScreenCraft 2023 Cinematic Book Competition”

“Out There in the Sunlight” – Substack

Junior rummages through tools, supplies, and packing materials alongside the Porta Jon and, and when he snatches a sickle-shaped fruit knife, wielding it like a talon, men in the fields rush over, waving their arms and shouting, “¡Cuchillo, cuchillo!” Screams scare off birds. Workers huddle behind the water truck, shake their heads, or run forContinue reading ““Out There in the Sunlight” – Substack”

“Ghost Dog” – Substack Plus: A Fine Day Will Burn Through in the Beaver Creek Library, Arizona

MISSING GHOST DOG “STU” BEEN DEAD A WHILE NOW BUT OUR LIVES DON’T HAVE PEACE W/O HIM LOVES THE MARSH VERY MUCH A PEOPLE PERSON & SNUGGLE BUG PLEASE HELP FIND & RETURN WE ARE AUBURN FANS, BUT HE LOOKS LIKE THE UGA BULLDOG William Auten – “Ghost Dog” “Ghost Dog” is now available onContinue reading ““Ghost Dog” – Substack Plus: A Fine Day Will Burn Through in the Beaver Creek Library, Arizona”