During the descent, her father stretches supine in the clouds—the wings carving out his wrist, elbow, and arm and the bed sheets wrapped around him before breaking down into seams when the plane touches down with summer baking the tarmac. Margo fidgets in the doorway, the sun noon-high, but smiles her best and clears herContinue reading ““Touch and Go” – Substack”
Tag Archives: Substack
“Double” – Substack
A woman visits the city she and her friend shared. The road I took gets lost winding in the mountains before sloping down into the valley and beyond. L.A. isn’t even a blip out there, but it’s there, and I don’t want to go there, but I have to. William Auten – “Double” “Double” isContinue reading ““Double” – Substack”
“Bands” – Substack
A husband does on a date. A blue SUV pulls into a spot down from Rick. The woman inside checks her makeup and hair in the rearview mirror and surveys the parking lot and bar where customers stream in and out. She pauses on a man who unfolds his sunglasses and leans against the carContinue reading ““Bands” – Substack”
“End of Day” – Substack
While her colleagues quit en masse, an employee weighs her departure. Three colleagues from the marketing department jog by Lyssa: Maribeth pops thumbs-up while she wobbles in her heels; Michael, last summer’s part-time intern hired as full-time, claps while he giggles; and the third, Lyssa has seen wearing a new outfit every week, dashes offContinue reading ““End of Day” – Substack”
“Yellow Brick Road” – Substack
A summer-camp counselor is responsible for putting on a play. The gym doors fling open, kids rush in, and trudging to the water fountain, Matt fills his bottle, careful not to touch the nozzle where every camp kid drooled, sneezed, or sucked on. He towels off, his wheezing slowing, the constriction easing but not lettingContinue reading ““Yellow Brick Road” – Substack”
“Thick Blood” – Substack
A mother makes good on her wish. The next morning, while Delilah waits in the minivan, her words for Greg churn and cut through her. It’s not too late to change your mind. You wanted to go back then. The birdcage and the feather inside. Where we found them. Where they found us. When weContinue reading ““Thick Blood” – Substack”
“Raise the Dead” – Substack
A young father wrestles with his newborn’s baptism as the date approaches. The church Jamie has planned for Lena’s baptism is down there, and I have to remind myself it’s not about me, but about the things I once believed, and when that Sunday comes, it will ask me to wear a mask for aContinue reading ““Raise the Dead” – Substack”
“Confluence” – Substack
A sister struggling with PTSD requests something from her brother. She turns off the flashlight and fidgets with it like she’s saving it for other places. “The bear called the power company.” She turns for the fridge and downs a pitcher of purple liquid. “Those thunder cracks were so loud,” she says after gasping. “AndContinue reading ““Confluence” – Substack”
“Names of Horses” – Substack
On her birthday, a girl meets a horse for the first time. Her father nudges the drawing toward him, his face falling briefly sad, before smiling at her. He loosens his tie and sits next to her. “You should go. The horses want to see you. They’ve been waiting all day for you. I justContinue reading ““Names of Horses” – Substack”
Consolidating Social Media – “Bye!”
I am consolidating most of my social-media platforms (“Bye!”) and will no longer be posting updates and stories via Facebook. But I’d be tickled pink if you kept up with my work, which you can after joining my Substack newsletter. As a free subscriber, you’ll receive in your email inbox my newsletter and previews ofContinue reading “Consolidating Social Media – “Bye!””